President & CEO of INTELiTEAMS, Inc.
Director since 2002
Jerry R. Mannes II is President and Chief Executive Officer of INTELITEAMS, Inc. He grew its predecessor, J.R. Mannes Defense Services Corp., into an Inc. 5000 company in 2010 and possesses over three decades of intelligence and management experience.
Mr. Mannes has been an intelligence professional since the Cold War when he was stationed in a tactical assignment as a “Sourdough” soldier with the 6th Infantry Division (Light) in Alaska. He has served as an action officer at the U.S. Army’s Intelligence and Security Command under Major General Scanlon during Operations Desert Shield/Storm, provided reach-back intelligence support to the Bosnian War with the 314th Military Intelligence Battalion, manned the National Military Joint Intelligence Center (NMJIC) Terrorism Desk, and was the Operations Officer under the Joint Chiefs of Staff for DoD’s leading counterterrorism center at the Pentagon before, during and after the attacks.
Mr. Mannes earned his combat stripes in the Middle East while assigned to the Coalition Forces Land Component Command (CFLCC) as the Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Operations Cell (HOC) Assistant Officer-in-Charge (AOIC), the AOIC of the Operational Control Element of the 513th Military Intelligence Brigade, and Special Agent/Officer -in-Charge of the Arifjan Resident Office in Kuwait.
As a U.S. Government Contractor and Senior Counterintelligence Strategic Planner at the Counterintelligence Field Activity, Mr. Mannes represented the agency and negotiated national-level counterintelligence policy on the its behalf using the Secretary of Defense-driven Adaptive Intelligence Planning approach. He was also instrumental in setting up several first-time DoD counterintelligence programs and policies.
Born in Holland, Michigan, Mr. Mannes earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in International Relations from Grand Valley State University and completed Master of Science Administration courses in Information Resource Management with Central Michigan University at the Pentagon.
INTELITEAMS Board of Director Committee Membership
Former U.S. Government Federal Employee
Director since 2016
In her most recent assignment, Ms. Mannes was a Training and Tradecraft Officer at the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) on a detail where she earned the Director's Award and three exceptional performance awards. Prior to this assignment, Ms. Mannes was an All-Source Analyst to assess individuals and networks based on psychological and social theories, for which she developed and published profiles and assessments using analytical tradecraft techniques. She earned six exceptional performance awards for her work in this capacity.
Ms. Mannes conducted focus groups and research projects on community psychology topics for the Center for Community and Research Development at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. She was also a Clinical Therapist for the DePaul Clinic in Waco.
Ms. Mannes earned a Master of Arts degree in Clinical Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from Midwestern State University. She also earned a Master of Arts Degree in Sociology from Baylor University.
INTELITEAMS Board of Director Committee Membership